Writing With Passion – Falling In Love With Words

AB15521Write your first draft with your HEART. Don’t think about it – just write. The passion with which your idea comes from is your driving force.  It’s your ignition.  Turn it on, let it quicken your heart and give you goose bumps.   Do you over-think when you first fall in love or see your newborn for the first time? Discover a new piece of music or food you like?  Not at those first moment s of discovery.   You’re swept away by your passion and feelings.  There’s magic in your passion.  Let yourself get excited by your ideas and your words.  Let yourself fall in love.  It’s a journey.  Enjoy it.

The second draft is the time to engage your mind.   This is your re-writing process.  You’ll see what works in your story and what doesn’t.   This can be difficult, because we all have egos.  If a particular paragraph or sentence is awkward and doesn’t fit, you may need to put your ego on the back burner and re-think it.  Does it serve your character(s) or story?  If not, take it out.  If you feel lost, go back to your beginning.  Think about what you’re trying to say, what your objective is.   Your passion is where it all begins.  It’s the birth.  If you need to, take a break and step away for a few hours or a few days.  You’ll be surprised by what you’ll see when you return.

When you think you’ve got it just right – you’re ready to edit.  Although this is the final stage it’s one of the most overlooked.  A writer, as in any other occupation, needs to know the tools of their trade – proper spelling, punctuation and grammar.   Your work represents your integrity and professionalism.  If you’re unsure, look it up.  I do.  Or, if you feel the need, take a class at night school or your community college.  It is well worth your time and an investment in your future.   You don’t want to grab your reader with your passion and enthusiasm, and then lose them because of poor spelling or punctuation.    Learning the mechanics is easy, but you can’t teach the passion.  That’s your gift!  So, begin your piece with passion and polish it off with proper spelling and punctuation.

Good luck, enjoy falling in love.  Let me know how it goes!

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